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API Management

Being more agile
and confident

Connecting processes and people, a secure connection with thousands of global brokers.


The Andina Mercantil is a leading Argentinean company in the insurance market with 90 years of experience. Its capital is one hundred percent national and it has a strong presence throughout the country.

It has 44 Comprehensive Assistance and Service Centers, distributed in 14 provinces and divided into three large business units: Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Tres Arroyos. The company is made up of more than 500 employees, with the trust of more than 3,000 brokers, and it provides services to more than 750,000 policyholders.


Business challenge

The Andina Mercantil  is a leading Argentinean company in the insurance market with 90 years of experience. Its capital is one hundred percent national and it has a strong presence throughout the country. 

It has 44 Comprehensive Assistance and Service Centers, distributed in 14 provinces and divided into three large business units: Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Tres Arroyos. The company is made up of more than 500 employees, with the trust of more than 3,000 brokers, and it provides services to more than 750,000 policyholders.

What we accomplish

Algeiba proposed to carry out the analysis, design, construction and implementation of a hybrid API Management solution (on-cloud + on-premises), which allows the company to implement Development, Testing and Production environments, under Azure API Management technology.

Three environments of API management were developed with the minimal and documentation and necessary design, so that the knowledge remains within the client’s work team to be self-managed. In addition to this, recommendations were made to minimize costs of API Management plans and in this way to be able to be more agile in a more profitable way, generating an impact on the backbone of safe practices of exposure of web services towards clients and business partners.

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Central Office


Paraná 771, Piso 2 (C1017AA0)
CABA | Bs.As., Argentina
+54 11 3988-5519

Montevideo, Uruguay


Convención 1343, Esc. 201 । C.P 11.100
o । Uruguay

Chile, Santiago de Chile


Dr. Sotero del Río 508 OF 1026 
Comuna Santiago

Contáctanos / Contact us


Lima, Perú


Dos de Mayo 516 । Oficina 701 
Miraflores । Lima, Perú
(+511) 706-1866

Algeiba LLC


407 Lincoln RD Suite 6 - G 
Miami Beach FL. 33139

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