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Adopting and taking resources to their full potential


The leading provider of telecommunication services in Latin America with operations in 18 countries in the Americas and the Caribbean. Over the last few years it has been acquiring various companies, becoming the main provider of mobile, landline, internet, wireless services and high added value services to companies and individuals.

Currently in Argentina it has more than 37% of market share, where its structure is made up of approximately 7,000 direct collaborators and 3,000 indirect ones.

Challenge business

In 2019, the client decided to advance in a digital transformation project that would allow it to strengthen its leadership position in the Telecommunication market.

They were looking for a tool that would allow them to be connected, automate processes, stimulate collaboration between teams and that was under high security standards and, most importantly, they needed all their employees to adopt it as a regular work tool.

What we did

Since March 2019, Algeiba collaborated with the client in a foundational transformation project, based on the deployment and adoption of Office 365 for the entire organization, a leading tool in terms of collaboration and increased employee productivity. Because of the Covid19 context, which started in 2020, the adoption of Microsoft Teams accelerated, making this solution one of the priority axes of the project, since it allowed teamwork to be carried out in a more efficient way, allowing the integration and interaction of computer applications of Microsoft Office 365 within the same platform, and thus the organization could continue to operate with a cloud platform that offers integrated security features for remote work, allowing the client to have the confidence that their information is always safe.

Added value

After deployment, all employees are managing under the same guidelines and tools, which allow the best tracking and implementation of corporate security policies. They have a common place where they can find all the necessary information, segmented and divided by areas, with specific permits depending on the case.

With these new standardized collaboration tools, the interaction between teams, file sharing, project development, and meetings between areas were facilitated remotely, within the context generated by COVID19. Likewise, they allow you to forget about management tool updates, since they are done automatically.


Today, all the employees that belong to the organization are able to:

•   Work collaboratively on the same file in real time.

•   Have secure storage with permission management.

•   Access constant updates.

•   Access your files from any device.

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Central Office


Paraná 771, Piso 2 (C1017AA0)
CABA | Bs.As., Argentina
+54 11 3988-5519

Montevideo, Uruguay


Convención 1343, Esc. 201 । C.P 11.100
o । Uruguay

Chile, Santiago de Chile


Dr. Sotero del Río 508 OF 1026 
Comuna Santiago

Contáctanos / Contact us


Lima, Perú


Dos de Mayo 516 । Oficina 701 
Miraflores । Lima, Perú
(+511) 706-1866

Algeiba LLC


407 Lincoln RD Suite 6 - G 
Miami Beach FL. 33139

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