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Safe and secure return

Prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees


A leading company in the natural gas industry that connects the gas reserves of the South and West of Argentina with the large consumption centers, including Great Buenos Aires and the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires, through more than 9,000 km of gas pipelines.

As the main gas transporter, it plays a fundamental role in providing the energy that the country needs to continue growing, and it reaches more than eight million people.

Challenge business

The pandemic made of remote work the option to continue working and to which we had to adapt in a short period of time. Today, when the time of return to the office is closer and closer, the need to implement a solution that allows you to facilitate the progressive and expedited return of employees to their jobs is becoming more and more of a priority.

Since it is necessary to implement a solution that allows the client to responsibly open their doors, providing everyone with a safe and supervised work environment, complying with the protocols and sanitary conditions required to minimize any contagion of COVID-19.

What we did

To help the client in this return, Algeiba proposed a complete solution consisting of three applications based on Power Platform, Power BI and Power Automate, providing useful tools to team leaders and the HR area to open and operate all locations responsibly, to provide employees with a supervised environment while ensuring that the organization can communicate and respond quickly to changing circumstances.

From the solution the company is able to:

  • Configure accessible buildings for better compliance with current regulations.

  • Notify the day and time that the employee will be entering the workplace.

  • Manage from HR the return to the office in an organized and safe way, authorizing or rejecting the entry.

  • Guarantee compliance with the health protocol, leaving a record of the person’s current health status.

  • Follow up the collaborators who come and go.

Added value

  • Maximization of sanitary precautions for returning to the office.

  • Building administration and admission applications.

  • Optimization of times for approval of income.

  • Monitoring reservations by day and schedule.

  • Visualization of visitors per day.

  • Early detection of potential COVID-19 cases among employees.

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Central Office


Paraná 771, Piso 2 (C1017AA0)
CABA | Bs.As., Argentina
+54 11 3988-5519

Montevideo, Uruguay


Convención 1343, Esc. 201 । C.P 11.100
o । Uruguay

Chile, Santiago de Chile


Dr. Sotero del Río 508 OF 1026 
Comuna Santiago

Contáctanos / Contact us


Lima, Perú


Dos de Mayo 516 । Oficina 701 
Miraflores । Lima, Perú
(+511) 706-1866

Algeiba LLC


407 Lincoln RD Suite 6 - G 
Miami Beach FL. 33139

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